
[Vc_section] [Vc_row] [Vc_column width = "1/3"] [Vc_single_image image = "3725" img_size = "full" alignment = "center"] [Vc_custom_heading Text = "If you are interested in placing a piggy bank in your shop please contact us." Font_container = "tag: H2 | Text_align: Left | color:% 23000000"] [/vc_column] [Vc_column width = "1/3"] [Vc_column_text] The piggy bank "of the Bridge of Life" is one of the favorite ways of practical support for our friends. Now, our boxes is located in several stores of Attica, chosen in various events, in mysteries of marriage and baptism instead of gift, in ceremonies instead of Stephen and for donations in remembrance. Οι χρηματικές δωρεές που συγκεντρώνονται στον κουμπαρά διατίθενται αποκλειστικά για τις ανάγκες του οργανισμού. [/vc_column_text] [/vc_column]

[/vc_row] [/vc_section]

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